Batelco and Partners Meet with Students as part of Youth Development Programme
Batelco hosted a virtual meeting for the students selected for its Youth Development programme, to introduce them to Batelco’s partners for the programme, INJAZ Bahrain, Brinc and Clever Play. The 4-year training programme which was announced by Batelco in December 2020, has been named ‘Takadam’, which means ‘move forward’ and is aimed at secondary school graduates.
During the meeting, each partner outlined their role in the programme and responded to questions from the students, to ensure they are equipped with all the information needed ahead of the start of year one of the programme, on Monday 20th September.
‘Takadam’ aims at enhancing students’ readiness for the workplace by the time they graduate. This will be achieved through ongoing engagement between the partners and students during their university education journey and through focussing on digital skills. Throughout the programme the students will be provided with mentorship, professional certification, and guaranteed on-job training.
The Programme Manager at Batelco, said, “We were delighted with the progress made with setting up the programme and we are excited to see the planning coming to fruition with the start of the first semester next week. The students are very enthusiastic, and we look forward to sharing this journey with them in collaboration with our partners, providing them with the necessary guidance and practical skills for their future professional success. Takadam supports Batelco’s focus on education as a key pillar and is in line with our commitment to support educational efforts in the Kingdom of Bahrain.”