Al Dana Club

Welcome to the Al Dana Club. The Al Dana Club is synonymous with exclusivity. As a club member, you can enjoy unsurpassed offers, the highest levels of service, and exclusive access to products and promotions.

About the Al Dana Club

We ensure that your needs are delivered and maintained at the highest of levels of service. Some of the many benefits of being a club member is an Al Dana Club includes representative dedicated to you, priority call handling and retail outlet support, sneak peeks of the latest devices and gadgets, and access to our growing partner network.

To maintain the club’s exclusivity, the Al Dana Club is an invitation-only club. If you want to find out more about this Club and how you can be a member, you may email us here

Al Dana Club Membership Benefits

  • Your own dedicated personal Relationship Manager to cater to all your telecom needs
  • Red-carpet priority treatment at our Retail Outlets, Contact Center and all other Batelco channels
  • Free Silver membership to Gulf Air’s Falconflyer Programme.
  • Exclusive rewards, promotions and raffles on selected products and services
  • Numerous benefits on your selected mobile lines including higher credit limits
  • “Express Delivery” Same-day delivery on your requested devices from Batelco
  • Al Dana Concierge Service which takes care of personal deliveries within the Kingdom.
  • Unlock Al Dana Insurance on telecom devices purchased from Batelco
  • Device after-care and maintenance, through Al Dana’s Post-Care Priority Service
  • Access to the growing list of Batelco’s partners and invitations to private events through Jawaher


Terms & Conditions

  • Eligibility is limited to residential Batelco customers, namely those who are private individuals over 18 years of age, are registered on a minimum of one of our services and who are responsible for the payment of bills and invoices.
  • Customers will have had a minimum average spend of BD 180 per month and above on registered Batelco services over the preceding 12 consecutive months prior to the date of enrollment in Al Dana.
  • Membership is only available to individual customers with a good credit history with Batelco and who do not owe outstanding amounts or arrears in respect to their current Batelco credit arrangements.
  • Customers do not need to apply for membership and will be contacted automatically if eligible.
  • The following will be considered ineligible for Al Dana membership: companies, businesses, trusts, partnerships or other entities, newly acquired customers, or those who have returned to Batelco within 6 months preceding the date of enrollment. Additionally, Batelco employees receiving any form of company subsidies/allowances for our telecommunications services.
  • Validation and approval of membership is at the sole discretion of Batelco.
  • Enrollment can only occur after verification of customer’s legal name, National lD and concurrence with criteria detailed previously.
  • Al Dana membership is not transferable.
  • The start date of membership will be the date enrollment was approved.
  • Al Dana membership is free of charge irrespective of enrollment channel used.
  • Al Dana Membership is valid for one calendar year, starting from the date of enrollment.
  • Renewal of Al Dana Membership is at Batelco’s discretion. Membership renewal or removal from the Al Dana program is performed at the end of each customer’s program year (12 months).