Batelco Employees Volunteer to Repaint Walls at Muharraq Social Welfare Centre
As part of its social responsibility programme, Batelco organized a new initiative, which was proposed by members of the its Social Responsibility Programme Committee, to support the Muharraq Social Welfare Centre with its renovation efforts. The initiative was held with the aim of assisting charitable society organizations and integrate volunteers into the community. Volunteers took part in repainting the walls of the Centre in order to give it a new look.
It is worth mentioning that this initiative comes from the spirit of volunteering and the input of youth energies and human resources in the service of the community for the benefit of all involved.
Batelco has previously collaborated with Muharraq Social Welfare Centre, a charitable organization providing health, social and recreational services to the elderly in the Kingdom of Bahrain and was delighted to further help the Centre with on this occasion. The elderly citizens are considered to be one of the main pillars of Bahraini family life; accordingly, the community strives to look after them and take care of their needs in recognition of their contribution towards building the Kingdom of Bahrain over many years.