At Batelco, our number one priority is to ensure we provide a top quality service and invaluable experience to our users, and so to do this we must protect the privacy of all website visitors. The Batelco Privacy Policy For Our Customers is to be read and utilised with the Batelco Liability Disclaimer, both of which can be accessed here. Our Privacy Policy sets out the terms and conditions with regards to what constitutes acceptable use for any electronic transmission sent, received, posted, accessed, or stored via any network.
“Batelco Bahrain Site” means various corporate portal web sites and web pages operated by Batelco or its affiliates from time to time.
“Communication Services” means any service which provides message-transfer facilities including message-routing and publish-subscribe.
“Content” means any information made available by a website or any other electronic medium. This includes information, text, data, communications, images, photographs, graphics, music, video, games and sounds, software or any other material supplied by the User, Batelco, or any third party content providers on behalf of Batelco and which is contained on or available as part of the Batelco service.
“Linked Site” means any portal site that is linked to the Batelco Corporate Portal Site.
“Licence agreement” is an agreement in which one person grants to another, or to a definite number of other persons, a right or permission to use a certain thing, and refers to the document recording that permission.
“User” means anyone that uses the Batelco Corporate Portal or public website.
“Network” means the electronic communications system by which we make services available in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
On the User’s unconditional acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained in this Policy and are deemed to apply as soon as the user visits the Batelco Site. The User confirms its unconditional agreement to the terms set out in this Policy upon its immediate use of the Batelco Sites.
Change at any time without prior notice the terms, conditions, and notices under which the Batelco Site is offered, including but not limited to the charges associated with the use of the Batelco Site. The User shall be wholly responsible for regularly reviewing these terms and conditions. The User shall be bound by these terms and conditions at all times.
the Batelco Site is for the User’s personal and non-commercial use. The User shall not, under any circumstances modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Batelco Sites.
Components of the Batelco services. The Batelco Site may contain links to other Third Party Web Sites (hereinafter referred to as “Linked Sites“). The Linked Sites are not under the control of Batelco and Batelco shall not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for the contents of any Linked Site or for any damage or loss resulting …
Any reproduction or redistribution of the Software is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible. Without limiting the foregoing, …
Shopping provides the Merchants’ links to the User. However, each individual Merchant participating at “Batelco Bahrain Site” Shopping is responsible for setting and explaining their individual shipping, return, security and other policies applicable to shopping in their stores and purchasing their products. “Batelco Bahrain Site” does not guarantee, warrant or endorse in any way …
The User shall be totally responsible for paying the entire amount due on the User’s purchase, including any applicable taxes, shipping and other charges assessed by the Merchant. With respect to applicable taxes, the Merchant will advise the User subsequently of the exact amount of tax due on the User’s purchase. “Batelco Bahrain Site” shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any miscalculation or omission by a Merchant of applicable taxes on any sale. The User represents and warrants that the User is at least twenty one (21) years of age and that the User has the full legal right to use “Batelco Bahrain Site” Shopping in accordance with the stated terms and usage policies. The User hereby agrees to supervise usage by, and be responsible for the actions of, any minors who use the User’s computer and/or registration account to access “Batelco Bahrain Site” Shopping.
at its sole discretion, to terminate the User’s access to any or all Batelco Sites and the related services or any portion thereof at any time, without notice and shall not incur any liability whatsoever to the User for such termination.
1. Introduction:
This device return policy (the “Policy”) defines the procedures adopted by Beyon B.S.C (“Batelco”) in respect of all returned devices purchased electronically through Batelco’s website or mobile application (collectively referred to as “e-shop”). The words “our”, “we”, or “us” where they appear herein refer to Batelco, unless the context indicates otherwise.
This Policy should be read in conjunction with any other relevant terms and conditions we may provide. The Policy has been developed in line with the provisions of Law No. 35 of 2012 with respect to Consumer Protection.
This Policy was last updated in March 2025 and will continue to be updated as may be required.
2. The following provisions sets out the process to be followed should customers return a device purchased through Batelco’s e-shop:
2.1. Timeframe for returns:
2.1.1. A device purchased from Batelco’s e-shop may only be returned within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of delivery, unless the device is returned pursuant to clause 2.6.
2.2. Condition of the device:
2.2.1. A returned device must remain sealed/unopened for it to be accepted by Batelco, unless the device is returned pursuant to clause 2.6.
2.2.2. A returned device will only be accepted by Batelco subject to the approval of a Shop Manager and the relevant supplier, where applicable.
2.3. Return process:
2.3.1. For devices branded as Batelco stock, a returned device that meets the requirements under clauses 2.1.1 and 2.2, we will arrange for a courier to pick up the device from the customer’s premises.
2.3.2. For third-party stock, the customer shall visit the relevant supplier’s premises to return the respective device, subject to fulfillment of the requirements under clauses 2.1.1 and 2.2.
2.4. Refund:
2.4.1. In the event a customer is eligible for a refund, we will credit the refunded amount to the customer’s Batelco account or bank account as the case may be.
2.5. Damaged or defective devices:
2.5.1 Any damaged or defective devices shall be returned by the customer to the respective supplier’s service center for investigation. In the event the supplier determines the device has been delivered to the customer damaged or with a defect, the customer shall be entitled to a free of charge repair or replacement, as the case may be.
2.6 Human error:
2.6.1 In the event of a human error, Batelco may accept a returned device that does not meet the requirements of clauses 2.1.1 and 2.2. For the avoidance of doubt, the following is an exhaustive list of human error instances:
2.7. Contact us:
2.7.1. You may contact us via the following channels:
Terms and Conditions for Batelco Internet Services
These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Services (as definedbelow) which are provided by Bahrain Telecommunications Company BSC.(“Batelco”). Please take time to read these important Terms and Conditionsfully.
“Agreement” means the contract between BAHRAINTELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY B.S.C. (Batelco) Building 1095, Road 1425,Al-Hamala 1014, PO Box 14, Kingdom of Bahrain and the Customer for theprovision of the Services, comprising together the Application Form andthese Terms and Conditions;
“Advance Notice Period” means a priornotification of at least one (1) month to the Customer before any proposedaction to amend or rescind the Agreement in line with the ConsumerProtection Regulation (the “Regulation”)
“Application Form” means the Application formrequesting the Service which has been signed by the Customer, a copy ofwhich is annexed hereto;
“Batelco Customer Service Centers” meansBatelco centers located at various locations in Bahrain where Customers areprovided with Batelco services.
“Charges” means the sums payable to Batelco bythe Customer pursuant to this Agreement;
“Customer” means, the Batelco customeridentified in the Application Form and who forms the other party to thisAgreement;
“Customer’s Equipment” means, anyequipment that is the property of and controlled by the Customer whichallows the Customer to connect his/her telephone set to Batelco’ssocket for the purpose of receiving the Service(s);
“Service” means the service(s), specified andas selected by you on the Application Form, to be provided by Batelco tothe Customer pursuant to this Agreement, this will include ConsumerBroadband, Fixed Line, and Business Internet Services. Further details ofwhich can be found in promotional literature available at Batelco’sCustomer Service Centers;
“VAT” value-added tax (VAT) imposed on the productsand services offered by Batelco as mandated by the applicable tax law inthe Kingdom of Bahrain.
“Access Line” means a telephone line which you use inorder to receive telecommunications services over the Batelco network atthe Premises;
“Batelco Equipment” means all equipmentowned by Batelco which is supplied to you in connection with the supply ofany of the Services, including but not limited to the Batelco Modem;
“Bill” means a bill sent to you by Batelco in accordancewith clause 17;
“Fair Usage Policy” means a network management policy (as set out in /) that ensures that Batelco delivers the best possible service at all timesto its Customers;
“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyrights (including rights in computersoftware), patents, trade marks, trade names, service marks, business names(including Internet domain names), design rights, database rights,semi-conductor topography rights, rights in undisclosed or confidentialinformation (such as know-how, trade secrets and inventions (whetherpatentable or not)) and all other intellectual property or similarproprietary rights of whatever nature (whether registered or not andincluding applications to register or rights to apply for registration)which may now or in the future subsist anywhere in the universe;
“Premises” means the place where you will receive theServices;
“Premium Numbers” means nice numbers that arebundled with certain packages as per the price category of the number, andthat can be reserved and/or purchased through Batelco at a pre-set premiumprice. For more information please refer to the website link:
“Registration and Setup Fee” means the fee payable by youpursuant to clause 17.3;
“Required Specification” means, in relation to theCustomer Equipment, as per
internationally accepted standards;
“Subscription Charges” means, where applicable to theServices which you have requested, the charges payable on a monthly basisfor your use of the Services. For the avoidance of doubt these charges donot include the Usage Charges;
“Terms & Conditions” means the terms and conditionsset out herein;
“Third Party Software” means software purchased from aparty other than Batelco;
“Usage Charges” means, where applicable to the Serviceswhich you have requested, the charges payable on a per minute or per unitbasis for your use of the Services;
“User Identification” means the identification codeallocated to you upon commencement of those Services which require suchuser identification;
“you” and “your” means (i) the Customerwho orders the Services and (ii) belonging to
the Customer, as the case may be and as the context so requires;
1.1 This Agreement commences on the date that the Application Form issigned by duly authorized representatives of Batelco and the Customer.
2.1 The duration of these Terms & Conditions shall be indicated on yourApplication Form or in these Terms & Conditions.
2.2 In respect of the Services specified on yourApplication Form, you agree to receive such Services, in return for yourpayment of the Charges, in accordance with the billing cycle set out in theApplication Form, for the minimum period set out on your Application Form(where applicable) and thereafter until termination of these Terms andConditions in accordance with clause 13.
3.1 Batelco cannot guarantee that the Services will befree from faults and interruptions which arise from factors which areoutside Batelco’s control, whether as a result of networkperformance, third party interference or otherwise. You accept that you maynot be able to receive the Services where certain technical restrictionsmay arise, although Batelco shall use reasonable endeavours to keep anydisruption to the provision of the Services in such circumstances to aminimum with a restoration time as indicated in these Terms and Conditions.
4.1 The Customer agrees to pay the Charges and Batelco agrees to providethe Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and theApplication Form. All Charges shall be paid in accordance with the billingcycle set out in the Application Form to Batelco or a third party offeringthe Service to the Customer, for example, a retail dealer ofBatelco’s services.
4.2 The Customer also agrees that he/she shall not object to the Chargesapplicable for providing the Service, installation and replacement ofBatelco equipment or any other expenses charged by Batelco as indicated andspecified on the Customer’s Application Form for the Services.
4.3 In the event of a technical fault that may lead to the full or partialdiscontinuation of the Service, the Customer shall notify Batelco of suchfault immediately to arrange for repair.
4.3.1 Batelco shall not bear any costs or liability if such technicalfaults are caused directly or indirectly by the Customer.
4.4 Usage:
4.4.1 Batelco will advise Customers:
(a) when their usage has exceeded their chosen BD limit; and
(b) that calls will be blocked as a consequence of exceeding such limit*
*Batelco notes that it may be unable to advise customers when they haveexceeded their chosen BD limit in the given situation(s):
i. during a continuous Service session;
ii. while making IDD calls;
iii. or in case of any technical failure in the system.
4.4.2 Please note that the Services and/or any applicable BD credit limitmay be temporarily unavailable for reasons including but not limited to,cases of force majeure, third party interference, technical and operationalissues and system upgrades. During such incidents, Batelco may not be ableto:
(a) notify Customers when their usage has exceeded their chosen BD limit;and
(b) block the Customer’s calls/Service as a consequence of exceedingsuch limit,
however the Customer will still be obliged to pay for any additionalCharges incurred during this time.
5.1 You will be solely responsible, and Batelco accepts no liabilitywhatsoever for:
i) providing, configuring and maintaining the Customer Equipment;
ii) ensuring that the Customer Equipment complies with all applicable lawsor relevant telecommunication industry standards and meets the RequiredSpecification;
iii) ensuring that the Customer Equipment is compatible with any ThirdParty Software
used by you in order to receive the Services, and meets your needs inrespect of the use of the Services; and
iv) all data retrieved, stored or transmitted through the Service. Thisshall include but not be limited to any distortion or corruption caused tothe Customer Equipment or data as a result of the use of the Services.
5.2 You acknowledge that some material on the Internet may be offensive,illegal or otherwise generally inappropriate. Batelco cannot be heldresponsible for all or any of the content, accuracy or quality ofinformation or the resources available, received or transmitted by you oranyone else through your (or any other third party’s) use of theServices, whether or not in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
5.3 You acknowledge that the Internet contains viruses which may destroy orcorrupt your data on the Customer Equipment. You further acknowledge thatBatelco has no control over such viruses and you remain responsible forchecking for such viruses on a regular basis. You confirm that you shallcomply to the Batelco Acceptable Use Internet Security Policy (as updatedby Batelco from time to time) in accordance with your obligations underthis clause 5, or otherwise under these Terms & Conditions andacknowledge that Batelco will not be held responsible for any interruptionto the Services resulting from your failure to comply with all or any ofthe provisions of this clause 5.3.
6.1 You will be solely responsible for all access to, and use of, theServices provided to you, whether or not you use Services which require aUser Identification and/or a Password. If you allow a third party to accessthe Services, you will remain liable for all activities conducted by suchthird party, including but not limited to use of the Internet, yourBroadband E-mail Account, other e-mail service on any other usagewhatsoever.
6.2 You agree that you will not at any time use the Services (including,where applicable, the Broadband E-mail Account(s)):
i) in order to resell, re-supply, hire, transfer ownership, assign, tradeor otherwise dispose of the Service or make it available to any person on acommercial basis;
ii) to breach any laws, legislative provisions, regulations, codes orstandards of any relevant body or authority;
iii) in a way which infringes or may potentially infringe the IntellectualProperty Rights or other rights of any third party;
iv) to store, send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use,transmit, distribute, post to a bulletin board or otherwise place onto theInternet material which:
(a) is abusive, indecent, defamatory, obscene, menacing, pornographic, oroffensive on moral, religious, political grounds or otherwise; or
(b) is liable to incite racial disharmony or hatred, violence or sadism; or
(c) promotes drug-trafficking, prostitution, money-laundering, terrorism,pedophilia (or any material that is in any way harmful to minors); or
(d) is a spam, or contains a virus, backdoor, time bomb, bot, Trojan horse,worm, drop dead device or other code, program or device liable to causeloss or damage, disable, erase, destroy, disrupt or impair the normaloperation of the Services or any computer systems or permit access to oruse of the Services by any person not authorised by Batelco;
v) for any improper purposes, including but not limited to, vice, gamblingor fraudulent activities;
vi) to in any way compromise the integrity or security of any part ofBatelco’s network or its telecommunications systems, or to otherwiseinterrupt the provision of the Services;
vii) to provide public information services without obtaining prior formalapproval from the relevant government authorities within the Kingdom ofBahrain;
viii) to harvest or otherwise collect information about others, includinge-mail addresses, without their consent; and
ix) to use, access or otherwise deal with any Batelco ConfidentialInformation without Batelco’s prior consent, or use the Services inany way which invades another’s privacy or other similar rights;
7.1 Batelco shall have the right to change the service number of anysubscriber which arise out of either the occurrence of a force majeureevent and/or the issuance of a lawful order of a court or regulatory body,in the following manner:
(1) in emergency cases with one (1) day’s notice to the Customer.
(2) in non-emergency cases, by providing the Customer with an AdvancedNotice Period.
8.1 The Customer must facilitate the access of any Batelco employee thatmay be sent by Batelco to the Customer’s premises during reasonablehours to inspect, maintain, and carry out any necessary maintenance orrepairs to the service lines. The customer undertakes to indemnify Batelcoagainst any injury, loss, or damage suffered by Batelco or its employeeswhen on the customer’s premises.
9.1 You will provide true, accurate, complete and up-to-date information toBatelco as requested on the Application Form, including but not limited toyour name, address and date of birth (the “Information“),and upon any subsequent reasonable request made by Batelco from time totime.
9.2 You will promptly notify Batelco of any changes in the Information.
9.3 In your use of the Services you will not create afalse identity for the purpose of misleading others as to the identity ofthe sender or the origin of a message, or otherwise impersonate any personor entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation withany person, organisation or entity.
10.1 In connection with the provision of the Services, you may use ThirdParty Software provided to you by Batelco. The use of the Third PartySoftware shall be subject to the Terms & Conditions stated herein andshall be at sole risk and responsibility of the Customer.
10.2 Batelco makes no warranty and hereby excludes all liability in respectof and/or arising out of the use of the Third Party Software provided toyou. You must not copy or modify the Third Party Software (unless permittedby law) or use it for any other purpose apart from to access the Servicesin accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
10.3 In the event that changes are introduced to Batelco’s network, Batelcoshall not be responsible for ensuring that the Third Party Software willcontinue to be compatible with Batelco’s network and you shall have noclaim whatsoever against Batelco arising from such change.
10.4 You agree to strictly comply with all instructions or notices inwhatever form and through whatever means given by Batelco from time to timeregarding the use of the Third Party Software.
11.1 Batelco will investigate any suspected or alleged breach of theseTerms & Conditions and will act reasonably and fairly at all times indoing so. Batelco reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Service inthe following events: i) if You misuse the Service, utilize the Equipmentor engage in any activity that negatively impacts Batelco’s networkor Batelco’s customers; ii) if You use the Service in such a way thatinfringes any Intellectual Property Rights of Batelco or any third party;iii) during any maintenance or repair works to the Service carried out byBatelco; iv) where a government authority or regulatory body orders suchsuspension or termination of the Service; and v) where Batelco reasonablybelieves You are in breach of these Terms and Conditions .
11.2 Batelco may retain your personal data provided pursuant to this clauseor otherwise in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, and youauthorise Batelco to use such personal data in order to:
i) provide the Services;
ii) maintain a record for a period of twelve (12) months followingtermination of these Terms & Conditions pursuant to clause 13 orotherwise; and
iii) otherwise disclose or use such data in compliance with Batelco’slegal obligations in respect of the same.
11.3 You understand that all rights, title and interests (including allIntellectual Property Rights) in the Services remain vested in Batelco(and/or it suppliers where applicable) and nothing in these Terms &Conditions shall operate as a transfer or licence to you of the same. Youagree not to do anything to limit, interfere with, or otherwise jeopardisein any manner such rights, title and interest.
12.1 The Customer will provide true, accurate, complete and up-to-dateinformation to Batelco as requested on the Application Form for theServices, including but not limited to the Customer’s name, addressand date of birth (the “Information”), and upon any subsequent reasonablerequest made by Batelco from time to time.
12.2 The Customer will promptly notify Batelco of anychanges in the Information. Customers who receive their electronic billshall inform Batelco immediately of any changes to their email address.
13.1 Subject to you having fulfilled any applicable minimum period ofsubscription (see clause 2), you may terminate these Terms & Conditionsand bring this contract to an end at any time following the expiry of seven(7) calendar days prior written notice to Batelco. Upon termination ofthese Terms & Conditions, all Charges which are due from you to Batelcobecome immediately due and payable and the provisions of clause 14 shallcontinue to apply. The Customer will be responsible for settling anyoutstanding Device charges.
13.2 Batelco may terminate these Terms & Conditions and the provisionof the Services by
i) giving you thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice; or
ii) with immediate effect in any of the following circumstances:
(a) where you receive a Service for which you do not pay the Charges withinthe time frame set out in the Bill(s) to which the Charges relate; or
(b) you breach a material term or condition set out in these Terms &Conditions; or
(c) you breach any other term or condition set out in these Terms &Conditions apart from those set out at clause 13.2 i) (b) above and do notrectify the breach within seven (7) calendar days of such breach coming tothe attention of Batelco; or
(d) you become insolvent or bankrupt or are otherwise deemed unable to payyour debts as and when they fall due; or
(e) Batelco has reason to believe that you have not provided true, accurateand complete information as required at the time of application for theServices.
14.1 Immediately after the termination of these Terms & Conditions forwhatever reason, the
following shall apply:
i) Batelco will immediately terminate your access to the Services;
ii) if you retain any Batelco Equipment which you use or have used inconnection with the Services or otherwise, you must immediately return thisto Batelco in complete and good working order, unless Batelco provides itsexpress prior written consent to the contrary;
iii) Batelco will send you a Bill for all Charges which are outstanding asa result of your use of the Services and which have not yet been billed byBatelco prior to termination of the Services. This Bill will include anymonthly Subscription Charges which are outstanding at the date oftermination. If you have paid a monthly Subscription Charge in advance ofthe date of termination you will not receive a refund in respect of thatunexpired part of the relevant month for which you have paid. You agree topay this Bill on or before the date upon which payment is required;
14.2 None of the rights which either Batelco or you have accrued as aresult of these Terms & Conditions prior to the date of terminationshall be lost or otherwise affected following termination.
14.3 Customer may reconnect a disconnected line, free ofcharge, within 30 calendar days from the date of disconnetion. After which,the line is considered new and all new line charges (as set out in theApplication Form) shall apply.
15.1 Batelco shall have the right in its sole discretion to suspend,partially or totally, the Service for faults, billing reasons, fraudulentmanagement, and/or any other reasons instead of terminating this contractin accordance with clause 13 above.
15.2 Batelco may also suspend the services with immediate effect where:
i) it is necessary for a maximum period of seven (7) days for minor repairs(applies to Business Internet or Fixed Line Services); or
ii) in order to carry out any maintenance or repair to the ConsumerBroadband Services, and shall reasonably endeavor to restore withinforty-eight (48) hours; or
iii) the relevant government authorities within the Kingdom of Bahrain orelsewhere require Batelco to suspend the services for whatever reason; or
iiv) Batelco have good reason to suspect that you are in breach of any ofthese Terms & Conditions.
15.3 Batelco may reinstate the services in its reasonable opinion if it issatisfied that you have rectified any breach of the Terms & Conditionsor the reason for the initial suspension of the Services no longer applies.
16.1 Batelco shall not be liable to the Customer in any event forconsequential, indirect or special damages or for loss of profit, and shallnot otherwise be liable to the Customer except in the case of negligence orwillful default of Batelco, its officers and employees. If Batelco shall beheld liable to the Customer, its liability shall be limited to an amountequal to the Charges payable for the Service for the twelve (12) monthperiod from 1 January to 31 December of the year in which the cause ofaction giving rise to the liability arose.
16.2 The Customer will indemnify and defend Batelco against all claims andproceedings whatsoever and howsoever arising (whether actual or threatened)arising out of Batelco’s performance of its obligations under thisAgreement and the Customer’s use of the Service so long as Batelcoacts in good faith and in the absence of negligence or willful default onthe part of Batelco, its officers or employees.
16.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit the liability ofeither party for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence ofthat party or its directors, officers, employees, contractors or agents,or, in respect of fraud or of any statements made fraudulently by thatparty or its directors, officers, employees, contractors or agents.
17.1 The Charges for the Services shall be based on tariffs and rates asset out in the Application Form. Any revisions to the Charges will beadvertised on Batelco’s website and are subject to an Advance NoticePeriod. In the event of a revision to the Charges and during such AdvanceNotice Period, you will have the right to terminate the Terms &Conditions without incurring a penalty charge.
17.2 Batelco will provide you with a regular Bill detailing (i) the Chargesapplying at the time the Services are used and (ii) the total amount due toBatelco for the provision of the Services in the period to which the Billrelates. You agree that you will pay these charges to Batelco promptlyduring the billing cycle which shall be set in accordance with theprocedure set out in Batelco’s Code of Practice and in any event bythe payment date printed on the Bill. If that payment becomes overdue,Batelco may suspend or terminate the Services pursuant to clause 13.
17.3 Where applicable, the Registration and Setup Fee (as set out in theApplication Form) is payable by you when the Application Form is signed.
17.4 For various Services, Batelco will send you a Bill on a monthly basis.The Subscription Charges are payable by you monthly in advance, and theUsage Charges are payable monthly in arrears.
17.5 You agree that you will remain responsible for all Charges incurred bya third party who accesses your account in order to use the Services, savefrom the time when you notify Batelco that a third party is using theServices through your account without your permission and Batelco suspendsthe Services. Notification for:
17.5.1 For Business Internet or Fixed Line Services can either be achievedby calling 81888 or e-mailing
17.5.2 For Consumer Broadband can either be achieved by calling 196 ore-mailing
17.6 If you do not pay a Bill by the due date, Batelco shall have the rightin its reasonable opinion and without notice to:
(a) transfer the unpaid invoiced amount to the account of any otherservice(s) provided to you by Batelco, and you shall be liable to pay allcharges on any bill issued by Batelco for such service(s) by the due date;and (b) deduct the unpaid billed amount from any payment or credit due toyou by Batelco under this Agreement or any other agreement for service(s)provided by Batelco to you.
16.7.1 The rights in this clause are in addition to any other rights thatBatelco has under these Terms and Conditions, including the right tosuspend or terminate the Service or any other service provided by Batelco.
17.7 If the Customer, in good faith, disputes the amount in a Bill solelyrelating to statement errors (“Billing Dispute”) by notifyingBatelco in writing, the Customer shall:
a) continue to pay any undisputed amounts to Batelco on or by the Bill duedate;
b) co-operate with Batelco to promptly resolve the Billing Dispute; and
c) where applicable, pay the amount agreed upon mutually between theParties within fourteen (14) days from the resolution of the BillingDispute.
18.1 All amounts stated in this Agreement are exclusive of VAT.
18.2 Where Batelco makes a taxable supply or deemed supply of goods orservices to the customer, the charges, payment or other consideration forthat supply shall be exclusive of all VAT charges, and customer shall paythe VAT in addition to the charges, payment or other consideration on theearlier of: (a) when the charges, payment or other consideration is made;or (b) when the supply is made.
18.3 When customer pays or reimburses the costs, fees, charges or expensesof Batelco; customer shall also reimburse any part of such cost, fee,charge or expense (or proportion of it) which represents VAT, except whereBatelco is entitled to credit or repayment in respect of such VAT fromNational Bureau for Gulf Taxation (NBGT) in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
18.4 Where the consideration for any taxable supply of goods or services issubsequently adjusted (including contract termination), Batelco shall makeall the necessary adjustments to VAT, including the repayment of VAT andany fees due
19.1 Batelco is dedicated to providing its clients with the best services.Batelco will only collect and use your personal data to action orders youhave placed with us, to contact you regarding your orders, and, should youagree that we may do so, to keep you informed of any future services webelieve you may be interested in.
19.2 The Customer gives Batelco the right to disclose personal data tocontracted third parties for purposes of carrying out of Batelco’sduties under this contract, identity verification, quality assurance, andregulatory requests.
19.3 In addition to personal data collected, Batelco may aggregate,stratify and analyse anonymised personal data.
19.4 Batelco takes the protection of your personal and sensitive dataseriously, and treats your data in compliance with the Bahrain PersonalData Protection Law (No. 30 of 2018).
19.5 You may unsubscribe from direct market communications by visiting, “Opting Out”.
20.1 Batelco reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions atany time subject to an Advance Notice Period during which You will be ableto withdraw from the Service without any early termination charges. In theevent Batelco’s revised Terms & Conditions are disadvantageous toyou and result in a direct reduction in your existing benefits of theService, except where such changes have been imposed as a direct result ofany legislative, regulatory or license change or condition, you mayterminate these Terms & Conditions by providing Batelco with at leastthirty (30) days’ written notice.
20.2 These Terms & Conditions together with all documents which arereferred to in the Terms & Conditions represent the entire agreementbetween Batelco and you and they supersede all prior agreements between theparties.
20.3 Failure by Batelco to exercise or enforce any right or provision ofthese Terms & Conditions shall not constitute a waiver.
20.4 The laws of the Kingdom of Bahrain apply to these Terms &Conditions. Both parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Bahraincourts of law.
20.5 Batelco is not liable to the customer if it is unable to perform anyobligation or provide the Services because of any cause or circumstancewhatsoever beyond Batelco’s reasonable control, including but notlimited to any act of God, fire, acts of terrorism, war, civil, riotcommotion, embargo, extreme weather conditions, industrial action, labourdispute, prevention from obtaining raw materials, power failure, breakdownof plant machinery or vehicles, theft, sabotage and malicious damage, actsor omission of government or authority, , or failure of third partytelecommunications systems which impact upon Batelco’s ability toprovide the Services.
20.6 If any part of these Terms & Conditions becomes to any extentillegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall to that extent be deemed to nolonger form part of these Terms & Conditions. This will not affect thelegality, validity or enforceability of any of the remaining Terms &Conditions which shall continue in force.
20.7 You may not assign or otherwise dispose of any of your rights orobligations under these Terms & Conditions without Batelco’sprior written consent. You agree that Batelco may assign its rights andobligations under these Terms & Conditions to an alternative Internetservice provider if necessary, as long as the level of service remains of acomparable standard. Batelco may assign its right to collect outstandingdebts from you to third party debt collectors.
21.1. General Terms and Conditions for Carrier Pre-Selection
1. When a customer delivers a Change Request directly to Batelco, Batelcoshall notify the new Carrier within (5) working days, from the date of therequest.
2. Batelco will be only be providing the CPS option for fixed telephonelines excluding prepaid calling cards, public payphones, mobile specialpremium rate services, paging and fixed wireless service.
3. Customers can only use CPS for all direct national calls starting with(17) and direct international calls starting with (00).
4. Each Batelco Customer shall have the right to choose one, and only one,pre-selected operator for purposes of that subscriber’s defaultnational telecommunication operator and one, and only one, pre-selectedoperator for purposes of that subscriber’s default internationaltelecommunication operator.
5. Any change of request by customer or carrier may be subjected to a fixedcharge.
6. Calls to emergency services and short code calls are not subjected toPre-Selection and calls will continue to be routed without transfer toanother operator.
21.2 Terms and Conditions specific to the Unlimited Fixed Voice Bolt-on
1. Only Customers subscribed to a Batelco Consumer PSTN line are eligibleto subscribe to the Unlimited Fixed voice Bolt-on.
2. Customers to the Unlimited Fixed voice Bolt-on shall be charged amonthly subscription fee for the Bolt-on selected.
3. Each Subscriber to the BD4 Bolt-on shall receive unlimited on-netnational calls to Batelco Fixed lines only.
4. Each Subscriber to the BD8 Bolt-on shall receive unlimited on-netnational calls to Batelco Fixed lines and Batelco Mobile destinations only.
5. Customers may subscribe to the BD4 bolt-on or the BD8 bolt-on. Bothbolt-ons may not be combined together at the same time.
6. Calls to Batelco DQ on 181 are not included in the Bolt-on and normalcharges shall apply.
7. Calls to premium numbers starting with 900 are not included in theBolt-on and standard charges shall apply.
8. Calls to universal numbers (66xxxxxx/77xxxxxx) are not included in theBolt-on and standard charges shall apply.
9. Calls to free phone numbers are not included in the Bolt-on and standardcharges shall apply.
10. Calls to other licensed operators fixed and mobile locations are notincluded in the Bolt-on and standard charges shall apply.
11. Customers may unsubscribe from the Bolt-on at any time. No cancellationpenalty shall apply. No credit shall be provided to the Customer in case ofa cancellation.
21.3. Terms and Conditions Specific to Premium Numbers
1. Requesting a Premium Number: Customer may reserve a requested PremiumNumber through Batelco’s channels for a period not exceeding two days(after which the reservation is cancelled unless customer approaches any ofBatelco’s sales channels for activating the number).
2. A Premium Number can only be used with a Batelcoservice which corresponds to Batelco’s allowed use of the numberrange.
3. Batelco has the right to terminate this agreement immediately as perClause 13.2 (Termination), or if Customer fails to pay any outstandingamount for a Premium Number line.
4. Following termination of this agreement, Customer loses the right to usethe Premium Number. Batelco has the absolute right (at any later time) todeal with the Premium Number as it deems appropriate without being liableto Customer in damages or otherwise. There will be no refund of any amountpaid for a Premium Number.
5. Each purchase will require a separate Smart Card/CR to avoid oneinterested party acquiring all available numbers and attempting to resellthem at a premium price.
6. Rights in a Premium Number: Other than the right to use the PremiumNumber, Customer does not acquire any right or interest in the PremiumNumber notwithstanding the duration for which the number may have beenassigned to or used by Customer or any payment which may have been made forthe Premium Number. If Customer allocates the Premium Number to anotherperson privately, that person has no right of any kind in the PremiumNumber but will be bound by these terms and the terms and conditions of therelevant Batelco service.
7. Changes to Numbers: Batelco reserves the right to change a PremiumNumber (and it may end up less desirable) without being liable to Customerin damages or otherwise. Changes may occur as a result of a change to theNational Numbering Plan, Batelco’s numbering plan, a direction givenby a government or regulatory authority, a telecommunications networkchange (whether initiated by Batelco or otherwise) or at Batelco’sdiscretion.
8. Transfer of ownership of a Premium Number to another person is notallowed: Batelco will not support or facilitate any private arrangement forthe use of a Premium Number by another person. Customer cannot transferownership of a Premium Number to another person but can settle outstandingdebts and contractual obligations and cancel. Failure to settle outstandingamounts for the Premium Number or Batelco Fixed Line Package will result inline disconnection as per Batelco’s credit control policy. The numberwill then be reassigned for resale.
9. Premium Numbers (priced numbers) are bound to the specified Batelcofixed line packages or bound to a specific fixed line package declared inan agreement. Priced Numbers bound to specified fixed line packages cannotbe used with a fixed line package with lower monthly charges, nor migratedunless from Flexible Free numbers. However, a Priced Number can be usedwith a fixed line package of higher monthly charges.
For detailed information please refer to the website link:
10. Customer acquiring a priced Premium Number free of charge or at adiscounted price, indicates Customer agreeing to a 2 year Batelco serviceagreement for any of the specified packages, as further defined in theprevious term, starting from the day of Customer’s acceptance ofthese Premium Number terms. Termination of the Batelco service agreementprior to the end of the 2 year period requires Customer to pay a PremiumNumber cancellation fee equal to the original price of the number as listedon the Batelco webpage (if the amount was waived) or the balance betweenthe original and discounted price (if the amount was discounted). ThePremium Number cancellation fee is payable in addition to any otherapplicable Service and/or Device cancellation fees.
11. TRA NOTICE: This statement is made at the request ofthe “Telecommunications Regulatory Authority” (the“TRA”): “The TRA hereby notifies potential purchasers oftelephone numbers that the TRA shall not recognize any claim of ownershipof any telephone number by any person. The TRA shall exercise its dutiesunder the Telecommunications Law with respect to the National NumberingPlan without reference to any such claims. The TRA shall have no liabilityto the holder of a telephone number whose number is affected by a change tothe National Numbering Plan.”
21.4. Terms and Conditions Specific to Consumer Broadband
1.1 Service Provision
The minimum internet access speed offered by Batelco to the Customer atapproximately1Mbps via Ethernet cable. This access speed is between theCustomer and the Batelco network/node/switch Bahrain. The internet accessspeed for sites situated outside of Bahrain may vary as these are dependenton factors outside of Batelco’s control. Furthermore, the quality ofservice offered by Batelco is dependent upon a number of factors includingbut not limited to Customer local setup and WiFi.
1.2. Service Activation
1.2.1 General
You can expect your Service to be activated within a minimum of one (1)working and a maximum of ten (10) working days, subject to the availabilityof the broadband service in your area of residence and telephone linecondition. In some cases where the broadband service is unavailable in yourrespective area of residence, activation of the Service may take up to one(1) month or more, depending on the volume of work required to make theinfrastructure ready, nonetheless, Batelco shall update you of the Serviceorder status. In addition to the above-mentioned Terms and Conditions forBatelco Internet Services
(Residential), the following terms and condition shall apply toBatelco’s Broadband Service.
1.2.2 Broadband Specifics Broadband is not applicable to PABXs (Private Automatic BranchExchanges), any hunting lines, ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network),DID (Direct Inward Dialing), key telephone systems, Auxiliary Lines andADSL-enabled systems. Broadband is valid for one (1) telephone line per modem.Batelco’s technical support and customer care service shall belimited to the main computer where the ADSL line is connected. Broadband is for use strictly within the same Customer addressPremises mentioned in the original Broadband Application Form only, andshall not be used for any network environments beyond Customer addressPremises. If the telephone line is not registered under your name, you mustobtain approval from the registered telephone subscriber for use ofBroadband Service on that particular telephone line. Additional phone lineswill not be provided free of charge. Please note that some described features of the Service may vary.The assigned Service speed is the speed between the Customer location andBatelco ADSL gateway. Actual data transfer of throughput may be lower thanthe service speed due to Internet congestion or any other factors thatcannot be controlled by Batelco.
1.2.3 You are required to have in place an appropriate Access Line andCustomer Equipment of the Required Specification to facilitate andestablish a physical connection to broadband to allow you to access theServices. You understand that if you do not have these facilities in placeBatelco cannot provide the Services to you.
1.2.4 The following items will be assigned to you once your application forthe Services has been accepted by us:
i) a User Identification; and
ii) a Password
2. Broadband E-mail Accounts
2.1 Where the Services which you have requested include the provision ofone or more broadband E-mail Accounts, you agree to use such e-mail accessat all times in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, and inparticular the provisions set out below.
2.2 Each broadband E-mail Account supplied by Batelco will follow a setformat, namely 4 to 8 characters beginning with a letter and followed byBatelco’s standard email domain and will be subject to availability.You may search for an appropriate e-mail address for your broadband E-mailAccount upon registration for those applicable Services and Batelco shallassign your chosen address to you if it is available at that time.
21.5. Specific Terms and Conditions for Broadband Device Instalment
1. This package contains (i) a globally recognised branded device (ii)Residential Broadband package. Batelco provides the device on a depositand/or instalment basis as advised to the Customer at the time of salebased on Customer choice. The contract period cannot be changed at anytime.Monthly instalments shall be billed in advance.
2. The customer shall pay the device price in equal interest freeinstallments over the contract period.
3.3 Subscribers to Broadband Device Instalment are required to remainsubscribed to Batelco Broadband Services for a minimum of 3 months afterwhich they may at any time choose to cease the Broadband Services and willbe liable for the remaining amount of the device, which will be transferredto the Customer’s next bill.
3. Non Bahraini Nationals may be required to present a sponsorship letterfrom their company or a guarantor on clearly stating that thesponsor/guarantor accepts payment of any outstanding amount of the devicein case the Customer defaults on a payment. The letter is specific to theamount of the device only.
4. The return of the device or exchange for another brand shall not beaccepted without the supplier consent.
5. The supplier assigned by Batelco will be responsible for the support ofhardware and software supplied.
6. Support of any third party hardware/software will be solely thecustomers responsibility.
7. Batelco shall provide support for Internet related issues only.
8. Any upgrade of device desired by the Customer shall be dealt with by therespective supplier, and the Customer shall pay any additional costsdirectly to the supplier.
9. Should a fault arise with the device all claims shall be made againstthe device warranty on the supplier. Title of ownership to the device shallpass to the Customer upon signing the delivery note.
21.6. Terms and Conditions specific to the Broadband Packages
1. Subscribers to the Broadband Packages shall agree to a minimum 12 monthcontract period (Minimum Term) or a maximum 24 month contract period(Maximum Term) commencing on the date of activation.
2. Customers who subscribe to a Maximum Term Contract will avail certainbenefits, including but not limited to, additional threshold usage, higherspeeds at the same price, discounted monthly rentals, and free devices.
3. Customers subscribed to Broadband Packages may choose to renew theircontract at any time for an additional Minimum or Maximum Term.
4. In the event a Customer subscribed to a Minimum Term contract wishes toterminate the respective Broadband Package for convenience beforecompletion of the Minimum Term, the Customer will be liable to pay acancellation fee equivalent to one (1) months’ rental for the Broadband Package.
5. Should the Customer wish to downgrade the Broadband Package prior tocompletion of the Minimum Term, the Customer will be liable to pay acancellation fee equivalent to one (1) months’ monthly rental for the BroadbandPackage and five Bahraini Dinars (BHD 5). Where theCustomer wishes to downgrade the Broadband Package following completion ofthe Minimum Term, the Customer will only be liable for a charge of five Bahraini Dinars only (BHD 5).
6. In the event a Customer subscribed to a Maximum Term contract wishes toterminate for convenience or downgrade the Broadband Package beforecompletion of the Maximum Term, the Customer will be liable to pay acancelation fee as follows:
Broadband Package Rental | Cancellation Penalty (once off) |
Less than BD10 | BD30 |
BD10 <= BD30 | BD50 |
Higher than BD30 | BD100 |
7. Packages shall be offered with set threshold limits. Batelco Fair UsagePolicy applies once the threshold is exceeded.
21.7. Terms and Conditions specific to Fiber Broadband Service:
1. Subscribers to the Fiber Broadband Service shall agree to a minimumtwenty-four (24) month contract period (Minimum Term) commencing on thedate of activation. The contract period shall not exceed the Minimum Term.
2. Customers shall be provided with an optical network terminal(“ONT”) at no additional cost for the provision of the FiberBroadband Service.
3. In the event the Customer wishes to terminate the Fiber BroadbandService for convenience before completion of the Minimum Term, the Customerwill be liable to:
3.1 pay a cancellation fee equivalent to one (1) months’ rental for the Fiber BroadbandService; and
a once off charge for the ONT as per the following:
a) The Customer shall pay thirty Bahraini Dinars (BHD 30)if the Customer terminates the Fiber Broadband Service before twelve (12)months from the activation date.
b) The Customer shall pay fifteen Bahraini Dinars (BHD 15)if the Customer terminates the Fiber Broadband Service at any time betweentwelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months from the activation date.
c) The Customer shall not pay any charge, if the Fiber Broadband Service isterminated after twenty four (24) months from the activation date.
4. Fiber Broadband Service is offered based on availability in the areawhere the Customer is located.
21.8. Terms and Conditions specific to ‘Unlimited YouTube &Weekends’ Bolt-on
1. Subscribers to any Consumer Broadband package are eligible to subscribeto the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usage bundle, subject to a monthlysubscription fee.
2. Each Subscriber to the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usage bundleshall receive unlimited YouTube usage seven (7) days a week andunlimited usage over two (2) weekend days, each week of every calendarmonth.
3. Each Subscriber shall receive unlimited usage over a period of 8 dayseach calendar month.
4. Customers subscribed to the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usagebundle who have had their speed throttled at the time of reaching theWeekend period (for exceeding their monthly threshold limit) shall beun-throttled during the Weekend period. Their speed shall be throttled backupon end of the Weekend for the remainder of that specific billing period.
5. Any usage carried out during the Unlimited YouTube & Weekendseligibility period shall not be accounted for or deducted from theCustomer’s monthly threshold unit,
6. Subscribers to the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usage bundle shallbe charged a monthly subscription fee for the bundle,
7. Customers who downgrade to a non-qualifying package shall lose thesubscription to the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usage bundle.
8. Subscribers to the Unlimited YouTube & Weekends usage bundle shallagree to a minimum twenty-four (24) months’ contract period (MinimumTerm).
9. In the event the Customer wishes to terminate the Unlimited YouTube& Weekends usage bundle before completion of the Minimum Term forconvenience, the Customer shall be liable to pay a cancellation fee of BD 30.
Terms and conditions specific for Internet Contract Renewals
– Unlimited Usage bolt-on specific Terms & Conditions:
Terms & Conditions for Postpaid and Prepaid Roaming:
Specific Terms & Conditions for prepaid only:
Uplifting your Batelco Email Experience with Amazon Web Services
Batelco is partnering with AWS to bring to you an enhanced and improved email service that promises to elevate your business communications.
Please access your Batelco email account to ensure you benefit from the new and improved features that will be coming to your inbox soon. Login now at
We kindly request you to change your existing Batelco email password to a stronger one following our new password criteria before 08-Nov-18.
The new password must include:
To reset your password:
For business customers please contact your account manager or
Consumer customers, please contact 196
– Subscribers to any Consumer Broadband package will be eligible to subscribe to the ‘Unlimited
Usage’ add-on
– Subscribers to the 500Mb Consumer Broadband package are eligible to get the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on for free subject to a 2 years contract (Smart Saver) benefits.
– Subscribers that are not eligible for the free ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on shall be charged a monthly subscription fee
– Each Subscriber to the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on shall benefit from unlimited broadband usage for the Consumer Broadband package to which they are subscribed.
– Subscribers to the Unlimited Usage add-on may be subject to bandwidth limiting due to inherent and asserted technical limitations in Batelco’s network.
– In the event that Batelco suspends, terminates or withdraws the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on and/or amend the terms of the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on, Subscribers will be notified thirty (30) days in advance (“Advance Notice Period”). During the Advance Notice Period, Subscribers shall have the right to terminate their respective contracts without incurring any penalty charges.
– In the event of termination or withdrawal of the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on by Batelco referred to above, the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on will be de-activated and the Subscriber shall no longer benefit from the additional unlimited broadband usage. The Subscriber’s monthly subscription fee shall also cease from this time.
– Subscribers may unsubscribe from the ‘Unlimited Usage’ add-on at any time by visiting any Batelco retail shop or by calling Batelco’s call centre on 196. No cancellation penalty shall apply. No credit will be provided to the Subscriber in case of cancellation in this regard.
With regards to data usage, the Customer agrees that Batelco’s mobile data services are provided on network resources and infrastructure shared between Batelco Customers. Batelco is committed to provide the best possible mobile data service at all times to all its Customers and therefore applies a Fair Usage Policy to ensure that Customers act reasonably when using Batelco’s mobile data services. Batelco will continually measure the performance of its mobile data network and take appropriate measures against users that make excessive use of the mobile data service and whose activities significantly contribute towards the risk of reduced speeds and/or quality of service for the rest of Batelco Customers. These measures may include notification to the Customer for excessive usage, moving the Customer to a different data plan or restriction of download speed for the Customer.
This policy does not cover everything. The policyholder should read this policy carefully including the policy’s general exclusions and the specific exclusions.
Under some sections of this policy, the policyholder must pay excess. That means that the policyholder will be responsible for paying the first part of the claim for each section, for each claim incident. The amount the policyholder has to pay is the excess.
The Eligible Customer unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that BATELCO shall in no event be responsible for any of the obligations under this Insurance Policy, such obligations being the sole responsibility of the Insurer. BATELCO sole obligation under this Certificate shall consists of the delivery of the Insurance Certificate to the Eligible Customer on behalf of the Insurer. Any dispute that may arise out of this Insurance Policy shall be directed to the Service Provider as well as any demand from the Eligible Customer claiming the benefits of this Insurance Policy.
By Purchasing this Insurance Policy the eligible Customer acknowledge that he/she have read and understood the terms & conditions of this Insurance Policy and he/she agree to be bound by them.
“Abrasion” means the process of scraping or wearing down by friction. A wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction which in any instance do not arise as a result of the normal wear and tear of the Insured Device.
“Accidental Damage” means any damage and/or losses covered by this agreement and which occur whilst it is in force, arising from a violent, sudden and external cause that is not intentional on the part of the insured.
“Assistance Company” means Gulf Assist CO W.L.L., with commercial registration number 32067, and with P.O. Box 2790, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain that is designated by the Reinsurer for provisioning the Assistance Services.
“Assistance Services” means the of assistance and cost containment services and claim management services which the Assistance Company provides the Reinsurer with in relation to the Insurance Services directly by means of the Assistance Company’s network.
“Authorized Service Provider” or “ASP” means an authorized repair and service agent for mobile devices, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, TVs or gaming consoles in the Kingdom of Bahrain which has a repair support agreement signed with the Insurer.
“Beneficiary” means the Person or persons considered by the Policyholder or, where applicable, the Insured, to be entitled to receive any assistance duly covered or, where
applicable, the amount corresponding to any indemnity provided for under the terms of the contracted policy.
“Breakdown” means any unforeseen electrical, electronic or mechanical failure of the Insured Device, its components or appliances to perform its fundamental operation(s) in normal service, according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This definition does not include the gradual reduction in the operative performance of the Insured Device in proportion and equivalent to its age, nor does it cover Accidents or any external influence.
“Burglary” means (1) the forcible entry or exit of premises and (2) taking away illegally the Insured Good from the Insured Person. Visible signs of forced entry must be present in order for loss to be covered.
“Business / Working Day” means a day other than a Friday, Saturday or public holiday in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
“Certificate of Insurance” means the certificate issued by Solidarity, in the form annexed at Schedule (5) hereof and provided to Insured Customers through Batelco upon enrolment of such Insured Customer at the Insurer. Certificate of Insurance shall contain the Policy Material, certificate number and date, policy number, Customer name and/or Assigned Person (if applicable) name, nationality, CPR or passport number, CR Number (if applicable) expiry date, Insured Device type or model, mobile IMEI number, mobile number, purchase date, selected Insurance Product and Cover Period.
“Claim” means any event whose consequences are totally or partially covered by the guarantees of the respective Policy Material. The collection of damages arising out of one event constitutes one loss/accident.
“Claim Form” means the document to be completed by the Insured Customer, for processing any Claims duly covered by the respective Policy Material.
“Cover Period” means the period of insurance stated in the Certificate of
Insurance during which the Insurer shall provide the Insured Customers with the Insurance Services. Cover Period starts on the Start Date and continues for the number of calendar months as specifically stated in the Certificate of Insurance.
“Customer” means an existing or prospective customer of Batelco, whether an individual or Enterprise Customer.
“Depreciation” means the reduction in value suffered by the Insured Terminal as a result of use or the simple passage of time.
“Enterprise Customer” means any Customer that comprises of small or corporate clients as identified by Batelco.
“Gross Insurance Premium” is the total price of a Certificate of Insurance that the Insured Customer pays to Batelco including any taxes applicable in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
“IMEI” acronym which stands for “International Mobile Equipment Identity”. The IMEI code is a unique 15 or 17-digit number which permits the unequivocal identification of any mobile terminal associated with a GSM or UMTS network.
“Insured amount” means the amount set forth in the Specific Conditions of the policy and which represents the maximum value of the compensation for each cover section. The Insured amount is equivalent to the maximum limit for the repair or replacement costs for the whole duration of the Insurance Certificate and will be in any case, the purchase value of the Insured good.
“Insurer” means “Solidarity Bahrain B.S.C.” as defined hereinabove, which is the insurance company that is responsible to provide the Insurance Services to the Insured Devices.
“Insured Customer” means Batelco’s Customer who purchases a qualified device from Batelco and subscribes it under the Insurance Services. Insured Customer is entitled, where fitting, to the rights derived from the Certificate of Insurance.
“Insured Good” means the new device bought by the Insured Customer from Batelco which is the subject of the Certificate of Insurance.
“Insurance Product” means the particular type of insurance purchased by the Insured Customer.
“Insurance Services” means all the insurance services, benefits and cover provided by the Insurer to Insured Customers through Batelco to cover the Insured Devices.
“Intentional Damage” any loss arising out of any act, or willful neglect by the Insured Customer to commit or conspire to commit with the intent to cause a loss, including imposition of any abnormal conditions to the Insured Product.
“Limit” means the amount set forth in the specific conditions of the Policy Materials or, where applicable, in the special conditions, of the Policy Materials, and which represents the maximum benefit (financial, temporary or another kind) covered under each cover section.
“Negligence” means a conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care, which is likely to cause foreseeable grave injury or harm to persons or a property
“Policyholder” the natural or legal person, who, in conjunction with the Insurer, signs the contract of insurance and is bound by the obligations arising therefrom, save those which, owing to their nature, must be complied with by the Insured.
“Period of cover” means the period from the Start Date until the earliest of the following:
“Policy Material” means the terms and conditions, set out in Schedule 1, attached with the Certificate of Insurance that detail the scope of Insurance Services provided by Insurer to Insured Customer. Policy Material may also include any supplementary contracts or endorsements, any amendments issued, and any other limitations or particular conditions related to the Certificate of Insurance.
“Purchase Price” means the price effectively paid by Insured Customer and as evidenced on the sales receipt or invoice, for the Insured Device. The price includes any duty, levy or tax raised by any competent authority.
“Robbery” means the taking of the Insured Good from the Insured Person using violence, threats or intimidation.
“Serial Number”– “S/N”, “SNID” or “Serial No” means the unique number which permits the unequivocal identification of any electronic device set by the manufacturer on the good itself. The serial number may be a character string that includes letters and other typographical symbols.
“Start Date” means the commencement date of the Insurance Services as stated in the Certificate of Insurance.
“Third Party” means the purposes of this Policy, a third party shall be deemed to be any person other than the Insured Customer, or the spouse, common-law partner, ascendants, descendants or employees of the Insured Customer, where the Insured is a legal person; as well as any person not authorised by the Insured Customer to use the Insured Product.
Upon execution of this Agreement, the Insurer shall provide the Insured Customers with the following Insurance Products:
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of repairing or replacing the Insured Good, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished good when having the option.
International Cover (Optional)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of repairing or replacing the Insured Good, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished Good when having the option.
International Cover (inclusive)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Door step service
In case of claim covered by the policy, the company will arrange the service of picking up the insured Good and delivering the repaired or replaced Good to the customer location once the claim is finalized.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of repairing or replacing the Insured Good e, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished good when having the option.
International Cover (Optional)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of repairing or replacing the Insured Good, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished Good when having the option.
International Cover (inclusive)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Door step service
In case of claim covered by the policy, the company will arrange the service of picking up the insured Good and delivering the repaired or replaced Good to the customer location once the claim is finalized.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good e, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished good when having the option.
International Cover (Optional)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished Good when having the option.
International Cover (inclusive)
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the policy covers Accidental damage, Robbery and Burglary occurring outside Bahrain.
Door step service
In case of claim covered by the policy, the company will arrange the service of picking up the insured Good and delivering the repaired or replaced Good to the customer location once the claim is finalized.
Accidental Damage
Subject to sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good, in case of Accidental Damage as a result of the following sudden causes:
Robbery and Burglary
Subject to section 3, 4, 5 and 6 below, and in case of Robbery or Burglary the Insurer shall bear the costs of replacing the Insured Good. The insurer has the right of providing the insured with a refurbished Good when having the option.
The covers set out in section 2 and subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
Claim occurring between month 1 and month 12 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 13 and month 18 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 19 and month 24 of the policy |
Repair Excess | BD 20 | BD 20 | BD 20 |
Replacement Excess | BD 25 | BD 40 | BD 60 |
The covers 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
The covers set out in section 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
LAPTOPS – NON VIP | Claim occurring between month 1 and month 12 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 13 and month 18 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 19 and month 24 of the policy |
Repair Excess | BD 20 | BD 20 | BD 20 |
Replacement Excess | BD 25 | BD 40 | BD 60 |
The covers set out in section 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
The covers set out in section 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
SMART WATCHES – NON VIP | Claim occurring between month 1 and month 12 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 13 and month 18 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 19 and month 24 of the policy |
Replacement Excess | BD 25 | BD 40 | BD 60 |
The covers set out in section 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
The covers set out in section 2 are subject to definitions set out in Section 1 and are limited to:
TVs & GAMING CONSOLES | Claim occurring between month 1 and month 12 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 13 and month 18 of the policy | Claim occurring between month 19 and month 24 of the policy |
Replacement Excess | BD 25 | BD 40 | BD 60 |
Where, through bad faith, this information is omitted and the loss should occur in a situation of over-insurance, the Assistance Company shall not be obligated to pay compensation
If the Insured Person makes a claim knowing the claim to be false or fraudulently exaggerated in any respect or make a statement in support of a claim knowing the statement to be false in any respect or submit a document in support of a claim knowing the document to be forged or false in any respect or make a claim in respect of any Accidental Damage caused by the Insured Person wilful act or with the intent to defraud the Insurer and Assistance Company, Then the claim will be declined and your insurance certificate will be cancelled without notice with no refund of premium. The Insurer and Assistance Company may be entitled to recover from Insured Person the cost of any claim already paid under this Insurance Certificate (if necessary the cost may be recovered through the instigation of court proceedings). Insurer and Assistance Company may also be entitled to recover from Insured Person the cost of any investigation into a fraudulent claim under this Insurance Certificate (if necessary the cost may be recovered through the instigation of court proceedings).
In case the Assistance Company or Insurer discovers that the Insured Person is not eligible for the insurance coverage due to not meeting the criteria of the insurance conditions listed in Section 3 above, the Assistance Company or Insurer reserves its right to terminate the policy immediately and refund the full premium to the Insured Person. Such a condition shall be applied up to a maximum period of twenty-two days (22) from the certificate issuance date. For the avoidance of doubt, should the Insured Person claim the benefit of the certificate during the above mentioned twenty-two days (22) period, Assistance Company or Insurer shall not be allowed to prevent the Insured Person from benefiting of the coverage under the Insurance Certificate.
In the event insured device is replaced by manufacturer warranty provider due to manufacture fault and insured needs to update his/her certificate data, insured shall provide official proof from manufacturer warranty provider which shows that the replacement of device and such a proof shall contain the details of both devices such IMEI / serial number, brand and model of the devices. Such request shall be reported to the Assistance Company within a maximum
period of 96 hours from the date of device replacement otherwise the administrator company reserves its right to reject the request.
In addition to the General Exclusions to all the cover sections of this policy, this cover shall not be provided for the following cases and their consequences:
● Robbery or Burglary specific exclusions
On a general basis for all the guarantees and benefits under the present General Conditions, the consequences of the following are excluded from any guarantee object of this contract:
● Claim notification:
The Insured has 3 working days to report the Accidental Damage, Robbery & Burglary incident through the following channels:
● Documents submission:
The Insured is then required to submit all required documents and the damaged Insured Device to Gulf Assist Bahrain offices within
10 working days from the date of the claim notification. The required documents can be sent via email on
Requirements to be submitted by the Insured to Gulf Assist to initiate the Claim Process:
Gulf Assist and MAPFRE ASISTENCIA Bahrain office location:
Al Moayyed House Building, Build No 2332, Office No 11, Road No 2830, Block No: 428
– AlSeef District Working hours:
Sunday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM In case of complaints:
Contact Gulf Assist’s Quality & Compliance Department through the following email address:
Jawaher is a customer benefit program available to Batelco Mobile Postpaid, Mobile Broadband and Fiber Broadband customers.
Customers will earn Jawaher Points for every Bahraini Dinar paid towards their monthly invoice for any active postpaid mobile services, fiber broadband services and/or mobile broadband services in full and before the due date. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, customers may redeem their Jawaher points for credit into their accounts under mentioned services or Al Dana members can convert to Falconflyer Air Miles.
Monthly accumulated bill amount | Points validity |
Over BD150 | 1 year |
BD80-149.999 | 6 months |
Less than BD79.999 | 3 months |
When you use Basma, you understand and agree that:
The Flexi Investment Campaign by Beyon Money to all Batelco mobile subscribers (the “Campaign”) is subject to the following:
Terms and conditions for Home Broadband Port-in Offer:
Fixed BB Package Rental | No. of Free Rental Months |
BD13.2 | 1 Month Free Rental |
BD17.6 & above | 3 Months Free Rental |